Parish Council

tree on coronation green

The Hovingham with Scackleton Parish Council are a statutory body responsible for the villages of Hovingham and Scackleton. These responsibilities include the village cemetery, grass cutting and general village maintenance.

The Parish Council comprises of 7 councillors; 5 for Hovingham and 2 for Scackleton.

Hovingham Councillors (5)
Phil Chapman - Chair
Mark Wilson- Vice Chair
Jayne Berger
Giles Naish
Robert Wainwright

Scackleton Councillors (2)
Dr Nicole Robson
Professor Steve Britland

Coronation Green Tree and Seat in memory of Queen Elizabeth II

An election for the Parish Council takes/took place on 5th May 2022. Councillors Phil Chapman, Mark Wilson, Dr Nicole Robson and Professor Steve Britland were elected in an uncontested election. Formal notification is available HERE. Jayne Berger was co-opted onto the Parish Council at the meeting on 25th May 2022 and Giles Naish was co-opted at the meeting on 27th July 2022. Robert Wainwright was co-opted onto the Parish Council following the meeting on 31st May 2023.

Ann Chapman is our Parish Clerk, who should be contacted about matters relating to the Council including the Village Cemetery. A list of charges and regulations for the Cemetery are available <here.

The Parish Council normally meet 6 times a year. All start at 7pm in the Community Room of the Hovingham Village Hall, except for the July meeting which is held in St. Georges Church in Scackleton. The May meeting is the "Annual Meeting” of the Council, at which a Chairman’s report and Annual Accounts are presented and officers elected for the Council. The latest reports are available below..

Parish Councillors are elected for four-year terms; the last election took place in May 2022, the next is now due in May 2026.

Residents of the parishes of Hovingham and Scackleton are welcome to attend any of the meetings of the Parish Council. It would be appreciated if you would please notify the Parish Clerk at least one day in advance if you would like to ask a specific question of the Parish Council.

The 2023-24 Annual Return and Accounts are now available; further details are available HERE

Parish Council Meetings 2024
22nd May 2024
Parish Council Meeting, after APCM
Agenda Draft Minutes Finance Report Scackleton Action Group Hovingham Action Group
22nd May 2024
Annual Parish Council Meeting (APCM)
Agenda Draft Minutes Finance Report Annual Return
20th Mar 2024 (after APM)
Parish Council Meeting
Agenda Minutes Finance Report Scackleton Action Group Hovingham Action Group
20th Mar 2024 (APM)
Annual Parish Meeting
Agenda Draft Minutes
17th Jan 2024
Parish Council Meeting
Minutes Finance Report Scackleton Action Group Hovingham Action Group Verge Wilding Proposal

Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Reports
Year 1st January to 31st December 2023
Year 1st January to 31st December 2022
Year 1st January to 31st December 2021
Year 1st January to 31st December 2020
Year 1st January to 31st December 2019
Year 1st January to 31st December 2018
Year 1st January to 31st December 2017
Year 1st January to 31st December 2016
Year 1st January to 31st December 2015
Year 1st January to 31st December 2014
Year 1st January to 31st December 2013
Annual Returns
Year ending 31st March 2024 -  Annual Return for 2023-2024
Year ending 31st March 2023 -  Annual Return for 2022-2023
Year ending 31st March 2022 -  Annual Return for 2021-2022
Year ending 31st March 2021 - Annual Return for 2020-2021
Year ending 31st March 2020 - Annual Return for 2019-2020
Year ending 31st March 2019 - Annual Return for 2018-2019
Year ending 31st March 2018 - Annual Return for 2017-2018
Year ending 31st March 2017 - Annual Return, Bank Reconciliation, Explanation of Variances and Councillor Responsibilities & Property Assets
Year ending 31st March 2016 - Annual Return, Bank Reconciliation, Explanation of Variances and Councillor Responsibilities & Property Assets
Year ending 31st March 2015 - Annual Return, Bank Reconciliation and Explanation of Variances
Our transparency record of Parish Council papers are on the Ryedale District Council's Democracy website here

North Yorkshire Councillor
North Yorkshire Council our Councillor is Steve Mason