
A comprehensive range of services are available and are described on the NHS Choices website here.

What to do when you need help:

Dial 999 if you have a medical emergency and need immediate medical attention.

If you are able to make your own way to a Hospital, then for minor injuries then Malton Hospital is closest. For 24 hour coverage and major injuries then York Hospital is closest followed by Scarborough Hospital.

If you require non-urgent medical advice then dial 111; they will provide you expert advice on what to do, who to contact and will make arrangements if they are required.

There are a number of local GP Surgeries available for your day-to-day medical care. You are free to register with whichever GP Surgery you prefer.

The NHS Hospitals are: Malton Hospital (01653)-693041 (7.4 miles) - minor injuries and some out-patients
York Hospital (01904)-631313 (14.6 miles) - major A&E and medical care
Scarborough Hospital (01753)-368111 (23.4 miles) - major A&E and medical care

The NHS GP Surgeries are:
Hovingham Surgery (01653)-628203 (in Hovingham)
Terrington Surgery (01653)-648260 (2.9 miles)
Ampleforth Surgery (01439)-788215 (5.4 miles)
Helmsley Surgery (01439)-770288 (6.2 miles)
Kirkbymoorside Surgery (01751)-431254 (7.1 miles)
Stillington Surgery (01347)-810332 (7.1 miles)
Derwent - Malton Surgery (01653)-600069 (7.9 miles)

Both NHS and Private Dentists are available locally and details are available on the NHS Choices Website.

Travel to and from some medical appointments is available from the provider of the service, Ryedale Community Transport (Ryecat), Red Cross or Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS).

Further Information

Ampleforth Surgery (01439)-788215
Derwent - Malton Surgery (01653)-600069
Helmsley Surgery (01439)-770288
Hovingham Surgery (01653)-628203
Kirkbymoorside Surgery (01751)-431254
Malton Hospital (01653)-693041
NHS Choices
Non-Urgent Medical Emergency - 111
Ryedale Community Transport (Ryecat) - (01653)-699059
Scarborough Hospital (01753)-368111
Stillington Surgery (01347)-810332
Terrington Surgery (01653)-648260
York Hospital (01904) - 631313
Yorkshire Ambulance Service