Hovingham Neighbourhood Plan 2024-2025

The Parish Council, following a meeting with residents, have applied for and now been granted permission by North Yorkshire Council (NYC) to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for Hovingham.

1) A Neighbourhood Plan is a chance that locals may be able to influence planners in their own locality.

2) A Neighbourhood Plan puts in place planning policy for a Neighbourhood area to guide future development. A Neighbourhood Plan is about the use and development of land and may contain a vision, aims, planning policies, proposals for improving the area or providing new facilities, or allocation of key sites for specific kinds of development. It may deal with a wide range of social, economic and environmental issues (such as housing, employment, design, heritage and transport) or it may focus on one or two issues only.

 3) The basic conditions for Neighbourhood Plans are:

  • have regard to (i.e., conform to) national policy planning framework (NPPF)

  • contribute to the achievement of sustainable development

  • general conformity with the strategic policies in the RDC/NYC development plan for the local area

4) The basic conditions ensure that there is a balance between Neighbourhood Plan bodies having the freedom to plan for the future of their area, but also ensuring that Neighbourhood Plans deliver sustainable growth, meet various legal requirements and do not undermine strategic policies for the local area.

Neighbourhood Planning

Getting Started Meeting -Wednesday 14th August at 6.30pm

We have organised a meeting at the Village Hall on Wednesday 14th August at 6.30pm, everyone is welcome to attend and plan a way forward and to decide what is to be done and by whom and to what aim?

An agenda is HERE with the NP Application, and as the process is quite detailed, we have also attached various documents for you to read prior to the meeting as background.

Click HERE if you have any questions, please let us know and we hope to see you on the 14th August at 6.30pm

Ann Chapman
Parish Clerk Hovingham and Scackleton Parish Council    Email: parishclerk@hovingham.org.uk